
The new Big Local funded Café at Phoenix Park is now Open!

Well, we finally did it! After a long process of putting together a business plan, applying for the tender in competition with other organisations and agreeing the lease contract with Halton Borough Council, the CHI Community Café finally opened for business on Saturday 19th October.

The community space has also been very active in the past three weeks with a children’s party, a Big Local Halloween party, a Disabled Children’s craft workshop, yoga sessions, a park run ‘Couch to 5k’ awards ceremony, a digital media and photography film screening and our great arts and crafts groups using the space. The room is available to rent for celebrations, meetings, activities and other events at reasonable rates.

The entire ethos of CHI is to help tackle the poor health outcomes in deprived areas of Halton by providing a focal point for a range of activities that will support improved physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Income generated by the café and room rent fees will be re-directed into providing more activities for local residents. Expect a lot more activity at the café in the run up to Christmas.

We’d once again like to thank Windmill Hill Big Local for their continuing support of CHI and to everyone else who has supported us to achieve this goal, Halton Council’s Community development Team, Well Halton, Howden’s Kitchens and especially our fantastic team of local resident volunteers. We hope that many more Windmill Hill residents will be able to have access to great food and coffee, activities and other events over the coming years.

Written by: Sharon Thornton, CHI.

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