Vibe – Liverpool Charity

Liverpool charity Vibe running Windmill Hill Big Local Funded Youth Group sessions. Vibe sessions are being run on a weekly basis with local youngsters aged 11-18 invited to meet at Pheonix Park every Friday evening as part of a structured detached youth work offer. The group takes place between 4:30pm and 6.30pm. Young people are encouraged to get involved, speak with youth workers and connect with friends while having fun and directing the activity.

Funding Vibe’s Detached Youth Group, the charity’s aim is to boost positive activity for youngsters in the area, reduce social isolation and increase each individuals’ sense of belonging in their local community. Vibe has already engaged more than 100 people in the area and will run the sessions for a full twelve months through to June 2023.

Young people who attend the programme will also develop life skills, mix across all social ages and will be provided the opportunity for social action and the chance to volunteer.

The charity will deliver informal and social education to youngsters in the region while also promoting personal and social development.

The aim of the programme is to provide a safe, strong and fun youth offer, enabling youngsters to make the most of their relationships while feeling proud of their community.

Working directly with young people, Vibe will be able to refer them on to alternative programmes and projects including Vibe’s Where’s Your Head At initiative, Vibe’s Be Yourself programme and the charity’s Inclusive Needs Club.

Vibe CEO Paul Oginsky said: “Vibe’s Theory of Change, founded on relationships, underpins our implicit understanding of how relationships directly affect everything from health and emotional wellbeing to employment prospects and social mobility.

“Our Detached Youth Group sessions will encourage positive relationships and offer challenges and solutions to negative behaviour.

“We will become the catalyst for positive change, working with young people to identify and understand causes of negative behaviour and providing opportunities to develop solutions.

“This approach nurtures supportive professional relationships, supporting young people to achieve realistic and practical outcomes.”

For more information, please email our team at

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