We Did It! New Community Hub is now open to residents


Windmill Hill Big Local is so proud to have been part of creating a fully accessible Community Hub for Windmill Hill. The eye-catching addition to the church’s facilities represents a significant step forward in being able to support the needs of its members and crucially, the broader community.

Back in 2012 when we asked the community what they wanted our £1 million to be spent on, the top priority was an improved community facility that was accessible to all Windmill Hill residents and where young people could go. On the 16th February St Berts celebrated the opening of St Bertelines Church with Community Hub.

The day was filled with a buzz of excitement as key stakeholders and local groups and residents came together to celebrate this amazing development for Windmill Hill.

Dorothy Local Resident and active St Berts church member said:
“It’s great to have this Community Hub where we can meet up with friends and make new ones. Sharing ideas and hopes for our estate”

Nikki Chair of Big Local said:
“WOW, It’s hard to believe we are finally here. Celebrating the opening of St Berts with Community Hub. A community centre/hub has been in our Big Local plan since 2012 and seeing phase 1 completed is amazing. We have to thank St Berts church for seeing our aspirations for our community and agreeing to this project.

What an amazing legacy to leave our community of Windmill Hill when the Big Local program comes to an end in 2025.

It’s a Community Hub that can be enjoyed by our community for years to come and I personally am really proud of what we have achieved and to have been a part of.”

For anyone wanting to hire the hall, please contact the church office on 07480186849, or alternatively you can email stbertschurchoffice@gmail.com
to confirm availability and pricing.

Best wishes.

Written by:
The Partnership (Windmill Hill Big Local)

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