CAB break £1,000,000 barrier!

Windmill Hill Big Local Project

Support for Windmill Hill Residents

How can Citizens Advice help you?

We are here to offer advice, support and guidance on issues such as:

  • Help if you are struggling to make repayments on money you owe.
  • Checking you receive all the benefits you are entitled to.
  • Advice around issues you may be having with your housing
  • Support with budgeting and managing your household budget


In some cases we can also help with food and fuel vouchers and accessing grants for white goods and other household essentials.


What to do after August 2024

Yvonne is our Windmill Hill Finance Outreach Worker. If you are worrying about your finances please get in touch with her – she would love to hear from you. BUT hurry -the programme ends in August 2024.

After this date we will still gladly help through one of our access channels.

Please check our website for up to opening times and contact methods.

Contact CAB at:

General Advice Freephone
08082 787956

Money Advice
0151 257 2449

Or pop in our Runcorn Office
Unit 1-2, Orchard Walk,
Runcorn Shopping City,
WA7 2BS:

Or online at:


You can also get help with benefits at

More feedback from clients we have helped.

Case Study – Julies Story

Julie a single parent of three young children came to Citizens Advice for help as she was struggling to pay her bills. Julie had debts totalling around £9,500 and was starting to get threatening letters from her creditors which were causing her stress and anxiety.

Julie had very little food and was almost in the emergency credit on her prepayment meters.  The adviser was able to provide Julie with a food bank voucher and a fuel voucher to help her.  Julie also told the adviser that her washing machine had been broken for a few months and she had been relying on friends to help with her washing or had been washing children’s clothes in her bath.  The adviser was able to access a grant for a new washing machine for Julie.  Julie was fast tracked to the CAB in house debt specialist team who were able to put Julie through the debt relief scheme and have her debts written off.

The advisor has also helped Julie with budgeting and putting together a household spending plan so that she does not fall back into debt.

Julie said that the help she has received from the CAB has really given her a fresh start and she can now move on with her life and hopefully get into employment.

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